The CompTIA Linux+ Certification is a junior level certification for Linux administrators. Students should be able to perform maintenance tasks with the command line, install and configure a workstation, and be able to configure a basic network.
1. Introduction
2. Introduction to Building Labs
3. Things You Need To Do
4. Install Demo Virtual Box
Mod 1: Instructions
1. Navigation
2. Commands with Lab Demo
3. Internal and External Commands
4. Overview of Shell Commands Tricks
5. Exploring Shell Configuration
6. Stream Redirection
7. Overview of Processing Text Using Filters
8. Overview File-Viewing Commands
9. Overview Using Grep
10. Syntax and Summary
11. Overview of Exam Essentials
Mod 2: Managing Software
1. Managing Software
2. Overview Using RPM
3. RPM part2
4. Overview Using Cpio
5. Overview Using Debian and Apt_cache
6. Using Apt-get
7. Debian Tools
8. Managing Shared Libraries
9. Overview Locating Library Files
10. Foreground and Background Processes
11. Managing Software Summary
Mod 3: Configuring Hardware
1. Configuring Hardware
2. Configuring Devices
3. Configuring USB
4. Configuring Hard Disk
5. Designing Hard Disk Layout
6. Logical Volume Management
7. Creating Partitions Filesystems
8. Overview Using Fdisk
9. Overview Common Filesystem Types
10. Creating Filesystem
11. Maintaining Filesystem Health
12. Configuring Hardware Summary
Mod 4: Managing Files
1. Managing Files
2. File Archiving Commands
3. Managing Files Ownership
4. Managing Disk Quotas
5. Directories and Content
6. Overview Tools for Locating Files
7. Overview of Exam Essentials
Mod 5: Booting Files
1. Booting Linux and Editing Files
2. Boot and Reboot
3. Understanding the Boot Process
4. Runlevels Process
5. Managing Runlevel Services
6. Editing with Vi
7. Booting Summary
Mod 6: X
1. X Windows Systems
2. X Configuration Options
3. X Configuration Options part 2
4. Configuring X Fonts
5. Configuring Xft Fonts
6. Overview Managing GUI Logins
7. Using X for Remote Access
8. X Accessibility
9. Addition Assistive Technologies
10. Configuring Localization and Internationalization
11. Querying and Setting Your Locale
12. Configuring Printing
13. Configuring Printing part 2
14. Using Web-based CUPS Utilities
Mod 7: Admin
1. Administering
2. Directly Modifying Account Configuration
3. Components of Account
4. Adding Groups
5. Tuning User and System Environments
6. Reviewing Log File Contents
7. Maintaining System Time
8. Admin Summary
Mod 8: Basic Networking
1. Basic Networking
2. Network Addressing
3. Network Addressing part 2
4. DNS Data Flow Zone and Resolution
5. Network Ports
6. Connections
7. Testing Connectivity
8. Wireshark Demo
9. Basic Networking Summaryv
Mod 9: Scripts
1. Scripts E-mail and Databases
2. Writing Scripts
3. Writing Scripts part 2
4. Managing E-mail
5. Managing Data with SQL
6. Advantages of Database
7. Scripts Summary
Mod 10: Security
1. Security
2. Controlling Access Via TCP Wrappers
3. Configuring Xinetd
4. Uninstalling Or Reconfiguring Servers
5. Tools for Managing Passwords
6. Configuring SSH
7. SSH Keys
8. Controlling SSH Access
9. Using GPG
10. Security Summary
Jacob –
I loved the interactive quizzes throughout the course. They kept me engaged and helped me retain information.
Ayodele –
Exceptional content and great delivery. Best course I’ve taken!